A life long student of human development, Barbara Pott has held careers in the for-profit, nonprofit and religious sectors. She holds a Bachelor of Science in botany from the University of Michigan, a Master of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, and a Graduate Certificate in Strategic Human Resource Management from Eastern Michigan University. She retired from corporate America in 2022 and now mentors individuals who want to connect more deeply with the sacred earth, designs knit patterns and gives professional psychic readings. 

Currently enrolled in an eco-ministry program through the Church of the Wild’s Seminary of the Wild, that is, a nature-based spiritual ministry program, she offers workshops from time to time that help individuals, of any faith tradition or none, connect more deeply with nature- some say “finding God in nature”.

She completed her studies with the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids in 2014 and coordinates a Druid grove while enjoying the company of about two dozen like-minded souls. Druidry is compatible with any religion since it has no dogma or doctrine to clash with. Even though modern Druidry is only a few centuries old and its inspiration comes from ancient Celtic society, today there are Christian Druids, Hindu Druids, Jewish Druids, Pagan Druids, Muslim Druids and atheist Druids. What holds us all together is a philosophy of the sacredness and importance of nature. Find out more at www.druidry.org.